Pretty Beautiful Unlimited has decided to offer us the runners up for her Polish Pickup shades for the July Almost Made It To PPU Collection! There are an abundance of options - she chose twelve beauties for this special release. These will be restocked periodically throughout the month - just message if you see one out of stock. I have the first half up for your enjoyment on this post.
*sent by the maker for photography and review*
Pretty Beautiful Unlimited Album Covers Prototype 1 is a royal purple with blue-to-red multichrome shimmer, silver holo microglitter, shimmer, and microflakes, and five kinds of multichrome iridescent flakes. I wore it in three thin coats and it had a fast-drying formula. Top coat is needed to smooth this one.
Price: $10
Pretty Beautiful Unlimited Bad Ass Women Prototype 1 is a cool gray jelly with LOTs of holo shimmer, silver holo microglitter, and microflakes, blue-red-gold multichrome shimmer, and multicolored multichrome flakes. I wore it in three thin coats and it had a nice formula and quick dry time. It is smooth but somewhat matte without top coat.
Price: $11
Pretty Beautiful Unlimited Famous Duos Prototype 1 is a navy blue with blue-magenta-gold multichrome shimmer, holo shimmer and microflakes, and four kinds of multichrome iridescent flakes. I wore it in three thin coats and it had a nice, fast-drying, smooth formula.
Price: $10
Pretty Beautiful Unlimited Famous Duos Prototype 2 is an aero blue with holo shimmer and microflakes, blue-to-violet duochrome aurora shimmer, and five kinds of multichrome flakes. I wore it in three thin coats and it had a quick dry time and smooth finish.
Price: $9.50
Pretty Beautiful Unlimited Famous Works of Art Prototype 1 is a blue-black jelly with blue-magenta-green multichrome shimmer, holo shimmer and microflakes, two kinds of multichrome flakes, red-to-green multichrome microglitter, and two kinds of multichrome iridescent flakes. I wore it in three thin coats and it had a nice formula and dry time. It needs top coat to smooth it completely.
Price: $11
Pretty Beautiful Unlimited Famous Works of Art Prototype 2 is a blue-gray jelly with holo shimmer, microflakes, and silver holo microglitters, and red-bronze-green multichrome flakes. I wore it in three thin coats and it had a great, fast-drying formula. I particularly love the contrast between the cool base color and warm flakes! This dries pretty smooth on its own.
Price: $9.50
The Pretty Beautiful Unlimited Almost Made it to PPU Collection is available now and colors will restock periodically throughout the month! I love seeing the other options for the themes, and better yet, being able to get them! While you check out the shop, be sure to also look for her Polish Pickup Afterparty shade, Solar Beam. This was originally from the Duos and Pairs themed February 2019. My review of it is here. Stay tuned for the last six on my next post.
*sent by the maker for photography and review*
Pretty Beautiful Unlimited is made by Virginia in Texas. Check out her shop at:
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