
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Royla Lee January 2025 Releases Swatches and Review

I'm finally back in business on the blog and Youtube! I was struggling with a gradually failing 10-year-old computer that would crash with anything graphics intensive. I could fumble through photo edits, but eventually video came to be impossible. After three weeks, my new Macbook Pro arrived from Chengdu, China, (I ordered a massive 2tb hard drive in it so it had to be custom assembled for me!) It is like the BMW 5-series of computers, lol. I was also finally able and motivated to fully move into Final Cut Pro for my video edits. I had been using it for Instagram reels, but this is my first full review video using it, and it will upscale to 4K. I hope you enjoy the better quality. At some point I need to get a better camera / lighting setup for video but that will have to wait. The computer was a big expense, but I needed it also because I'm finally finishing my masters degree and needed a computer that could handle a lot of photo files. Hopefully it will last me 10 years or more like the last one did.

Now for the review! I have the debut release of Royla Lee for you. This is a rebranding of Wildflower Lacquer to reflect the growth and spirit of Taylor's (the maker's) polish journey. The name is a tribute to her beloved Grandmother.  Anyone who has been following the brand for a while knows that Taylor absolutely loves and connects to things vintage and nostalgic and this collection taps into that. I know with any rebranding it involves and adjustment from the customer - that the name and logo won't match previous releases - and that not everyone will like it. I'm happy that the whimsy and humor of Wildflower hasn't gone away and that the branding better reflects what Taylor wants to explore creatively. Also, she was finally able to get screen-printed bottles! This is a big up-front cost for a brand, but saves labor and ensures the bottles will hold up against wear, acetone spills, etc. Now on to the goodies! The pre-order is open through January 19 at 6PM CST.
*press sample*

Royla Lee January 2025 Releases