
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer Polish Pickup Rewind 2019 Swatches and Review

July is Polish Pickup Rewind month! This means if you missed out on a past shade you have a second chance to pick them up between July 5 and July 8. Great Lakes Lacquer has brought back slightly re-formulated versions of two spectacular multichrome holos!
*sent by the maker for photography and review*
Great Lakes Lacquer Polish Pickup Rewind 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer O'Rlyeh? PPU Rewind 2019 is an forest green with red-to-green multichrome shimmer and linear holo shimmer. I wore it in three thin coats, but two will do. It has a medium dry time and no brush strokes. This version is slightly more multichrome than the original, with a tiny bit less holo. They are pretty close. You can see the original, from the October 2017 Monsters & Mythical Creatures theme on my post here.

This is available in the Polish Pickup shop.

Price: $12.50

No cap on purchases
Great Lakes Lacquer O'Rlyeh? PPU Rewind 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer O'Rlyeh? PPU Rewind 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer O'Rlyeh? PPU Rewind 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer O'Rlyeh? PPU Rewind 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer O'Rlyeh? PPU Rewind 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer O'Rlyeh? PPU Rewind 2019

The second polish, Great Lakes Lacquer ...whatever PPU Rewind 2019 is a silver with red-to-green multichrome shimmer, strong linear holo, and holo microflakes. I wore it in three thin coats, but two will do. It had a nice, medium-dry-time formula and tons of sparkle. This version has a shift that is more red-toned than previous multichrome pigment, that leaned more red-magenta. You can see the original, from the June 2018 Video Games theme here.

This polish will be available in the Great Lakes Lacquer shop from July 12 at noon EDT to July 31 at 9PM EDT.

Price: $12

No cap on purchases
Great Lakes Lacquer ...whatever PPU Rewind 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer ...whatever PPU Rewind 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer ...whatever PPU Rewind 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer ...whatever PPU Rewind 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer ...whatever PPU Rewind 2019

Great Lakes Lacquer ...whatever PPU Rewind 2019
These were two of my favorite Great Lakes Lacquer shades for Polish Pickup, so I am really glad to see them back! I would say they are pretty close to the originals, so they are good if you love the original and need a back up, but the die hard collectors might want both versions! They are so pretty they are the kind of polishes you will never tire of. Did you grab the originals or want the new versions?

*sent by the maker for photography and review*

The Polish Pickup is a monthly event in which multiple indie makers create polishes on a single theme. Find them at: 

Social media:
Facebook group, Polish Pickup Pack: https://www.facebook.com/groups/polishpickuppack/

Great Lakes Lacquer is made in Michigan by Mariah. Find her at:

Social media: 
Facebook group, Great Lakes Lacquer Lovers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/508394052649579/

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