Two brands I absolutely love have teamed up to play tribute to one of the boy bands of yore, NSYNC! We are never too old to let our old fan flags fly, right? Anchor & Moon Lacquer and Supermoon Lacquer have created a quartet called NSYNC Edition, which I have to show you today, along with a bonus shade that is being re-released, Supermoon Lacquer It's Taryn Up My Heart. Let's go!
*sent by the makers for photography and review*
Anchor & Heart Lacquer A Little More Time On You is a bright orchid with scattered holo shimmer and multichrome flakes. I wore it in three thin coats, but two will do. Good, smooth formula and medium dry time. Maker notes:
• A Little More Time On You (Anchor & Heart Lacquer): $11.00 – A playful magenta scattered holo with shifting red/gold shimmer, and a playful mix of shifting flakies in various types, colors, and finishes. Opaque in 2-3 coats. The music video depicts a black and white montage of a mother and her son as he travels through childhood to adulthood. Taryn chose purple to represent the wisdom, dignity, and magic of motherhood, while the colorful flakies and shimmer represent the many complicated emotions portrayed in the relationship between mother and child. You can watch the music video here:
Anchor & Heart Lacquer Drive Myself Crazy is a gold-to-green multichrome shimmer with orange-to-gold multichrome flakes and gold holo microglitter. It covers in two or three thin coats and has a medium dry time. The glitters have a tiny bit of texture, but it is easily smoothed with top coat. Maker notes:
• Drive Myself Crazy (Anchor & Heart Lacquer): $11.00 – A vibrant yellow base with a green/yellow/gold multichrome shift. It's accented by orange/pink/gold shifting flakies, and a sprinkle of gold holo micro glitter. Opaque in 2-3 coats. This song was one of Taryn’s favorites from their debut album and it accompanied much of her teenage angst. The bright yellow base is a loving nod to Justin Timberlake's infamous "noodle hair". You can watch the music video here:
Supermoon Lacquer I Want You Back is a dark teal with strong scattered holo, multi and duochrome shimmer and flakes, and holo microglitters. It is quite opaque, and will cover in one or two thin coats. It also dries pretty smooth with minimal texture from the glitter. Maker notes:
• I Want You Back (Supermoon Lacquer): $11.00 – A dark teal-blue scattered holographic with green/blue/gold chameleon shimmer, green-to-blue and gold-to-green color shifting shimmer, white, blue, and green sparks, blue pearl flakies, iridescent blue/purple and green/teal microglitters, and iridescent and silver holographic microglitters. Opaque in 1-2 coats. Inspired by Nsync’s debut, first ever single and one of Mardi’s favorite songs. Polish color is inspired by the American version of the song’s music video. You can watch the music video here:
Supermoon Lacquer You Got It has a dark periwinkle base with multi and duochrome shimmer and microflakes. It has a great formula that will cover in two thin coats. Maker notes:
• You Got It (Supermoon Lacquer): $11.00 – A bright periwinkle blue base with gold sparks, blue/purple/copper/magenta chameleon shimmer, red-to-yellow and magenta-to-gold color shifting shimmer, bright red-to-gold color shifting aurora pigment, rose pearl flakies, and red-to-gold color shifting flakies. Opaque in 2-3 coats. While never released as an official single, this is Mardi’s favorite song off of Nsync’s debut album and she used the colors from the album’s cover as inspiration for the polish. You can listen to the song here:
The bonus shade is a re-release of Supermoon Lacquer's It's Taryn Up My Heart, made by Mardi for none other than her buddy Taryn! This is a lovely bright teal scattered holo shimmer with green-to-blue duochrome shimmer and iridescent microglitter. I wore it in two thin coats. The glitter adds minimal texture and it can be smoothed out easily with top coat. Maker notes:
• It’s Taryn Up My Heart (Supermoon Lacquer): $10.00 – A teal green scattered holographic with turquoise shimmer, green-to-blue color shifting shimmer, blue and white sparks, and iridescent rainbow microglitter. Opaque in 1-2 coats. This is a re-release of Supermoon Lacquer’s first ever limited edition polish originally available in July 2016. Dedicated to one of Mardi’s very first fellow maker friends, Taryn of Anchor & Heart Lacquer. The name is a play on the Nsync song ‘Tearin’ Up My Heart’.
The quartet and bonus shade will be available for purchase on the Supermoon Lacquer site on March 22 at 6PM CDT for a pre-order that ends March 27 at 11:59PM CDT. The polishes will be available individually or as a set. The turn around time for the pre-order will be 3-4 weeks depending on order volume. Do you have a favorite here? I don't think I can pick! These polishes all strike my fancy in different ways!
*sent by the makers for photography and review*
Supermoon Lacquer is made by Mardi in Texas, as an offshoot of her handmade jewelry store, The Howling Boutique. Find her at:
Social media:
Facebook group, The Howling Boutique's Wolf Pack:
Anchor & Heart Lacquer is made by Taryn in Maine. Find her at:
Social media:
Facebook group, Anchored Hearts:
Anchor & Heart Lacquer is made by Taryn in Maine. Find her at:
Social media:
Facebook group, Anchored Hearts:
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