
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Leesha's Lacquer Polish Con Minneapolis Event Exclusive Swatches and Review

It's hard to believe, but Fall Polish Con is about to happen! This time it is in Minneapolis, and the Twin Cities are my home town and that of some amazing indie polish makers. Leesha's Lacquer is one, and she has an Event Exclusive for Saturday, September 15. Let's have a look!
*sent by the maker for photography and review*
Leesha's Lacquer Polish Con Minneapolis Event Exclusive

Leesha's Lacquer Yeah, Sure, You Betcha is a dove gray jelly with blue-to-purple multichrome flakes and microflakes. I wore it in three thin coats and it had a wonderful formula. If you don't know, this phrase is a staple of the Minnesota dialect.

Price: $10
Leesha's Lacquer Yeah, Sure, You Betcha

Leesha's Lacquer Yeah, Sure, You Betcha

Leesha's Lacquer Yeah, Sure, You Betcha

Leesha's Lacquer Yeah, Sure, You Betcha
This polish is an event exclusive for Polish Con Minneapolis. But the good news if you aren't able to make it is that the event is offering a "Polish Fairy" service where you can pre-pay for your orders and they will ship them! Check out the Polish Con Facebook group for details. Also, check out info about location and times at the Polish Con website. I'm hoping to make it - are you?

*sent by the maker for photography and review*

Leesha's Lacquer is made by Alicia in Minnesota. Find her at:

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