On June 26, Celestial Cosmetics is launching her July collection polishes, including the regular monthly limited edition. Check out LE July 2015 after the break, inspired by the July birthstone, the ruby...
*sent by the maker for photography and review*
LE July 2015 is a strong scattered holo with an abundance of red microglitter in a pink-ruby base. I wore this in three thin coats, but two would be fine for most. This is textured due to the concentration of microglitter, so I used a top coat.
I'll be back in a little bit with more July releases from the brand. If July is your birthday month, I hope you like this one!
*sent by the maker for photography and review*
Celestial Cosmetics is made by Nicki in Port Noarlunga, South Australia. The line not only includes beautifully crafted holos, shimmers, cremes, and glitters, but stamping polishes.
Find her at:
Color4nails (USA): http://color4nails.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=59_125
Mei Mei's Signatures (Singapore): http://meimeisignatures.com/index.php?id_category=55&controller=category
Social media:
Facebook fan group, Celestial's Stars: https://www.facebook.com/groups/celelstialstars/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/celestialcosmetics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CelestialCos
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